Parrot Head Remodelers

Our Mission is Customized Remodeling Services

to allow you to live comfortably and independently in your home.

Parrot Head Remodelers recognized by  Minnesota Women's Press's 2021 Readers Recommend poll as
Outstanding Home Remodeler!


Universal Design

Kitchens may be the hub of the home but they also can be a mighty source of frustration due to myriad factors including but not limited to an awkward layout, inaccessible cabinets, lack of storage, and inadequate lighting. Bathrooms can range from soothing to dangerous, depending on how well the design fits those using them. And entrances and hallways of homes can either be easy to travel through or else an everyday hindrance.

Incorporating the principles of Universal Design, a design philosophy that embeds choice in all facets of design so that homes work for people across a wide spectrum of ages and abilities, in a remodel can make all the difference in how homeowners will be able to use their home both now and as they grow older.

Remaining in their homes as they grow older is a top priority for Americans aged 50+. An AARP Public Policy Institute Report found that 71% of people aged 50 to 64 want to age in place, and 87% of adults aged 65+ want to do so. The numbers tell how significant this trend is: one in three Americans is now 50 or older, and by 2030, one in five will be 65+.

It is in the task-oriented areas of the home such as the kitchen and bathroom and transit areas such as entrances and hallways where Universal Design considerations can really make a huge difference in the livability of the home, ensuring that all members of the family can function in the space regardless of age and ability.

Click here to read more about Universal Design!